Do People Still Marry For Love Or Does Everyone Have An Agenda
Some of the world's population says that they still marry because of true love. While some others justify their marital decisions with the idea that they are in love, there is no shortage of marriage counseling experts. The issue of marriage is a difficult one. People are inclined to get married or stay single without analyzing the causes of their feelings. Some people are married because they can not afford to get divorced and they do not want to suffer alone. Some people think it's better to have sex before marriage than getting hurt. Some young people marry just because they cannot afford to live separately. Some young people get married because they want a child. Some people simply marry to satisfy the requirements for work or the law.
I am in the 21st century and no one even mentions the word "love" anymore and "marriage" is just one of the "agendas" of people. So I am confused about what is love, what is marriage and what is the difference between the two. It is very easy to get a new girlfriend nowadays, but it is not that easy to get a boyfriend. Most of the people today have an agenda with respect to marriage which is why they do not marry a person whom they like. They marry someone who has an upper hand in life for them to get ahead in life. If they marry a man who is a bachelor, they get married because he has been brought up to be a "good boy". They do not care much about the boy, they just care about his money and position.
Every single person is different. Some people want to marry for love; other may have an agenda while some do not care about the future. But people in love believe in marriage and always get married. It is not only in our country and also in western countries that people are marrying for love. People marry for love because they believe that marriage is a lifelong commitment of love, affection and care. If you are a person who has an agenda in mind, you have to marry a person who has same agenda. If you want to marry a person who has an agenda you have to make your goal clear to the person. You also have to be ready to support and defend your wife as a person.
People do not have the same views about the purpose of marriage.
Some people believe that it is only for the reproduction of progeny, while others believe that it is for a partnership of love and commitment. Some people believe that it is for love, a number of others believe that it is for money and that children are an afterthought.
Some people believe that they should be happy with the partner that they are with and that is the purpose of marriage. Some people believe that the couple should get married in the presence of their families and friends. The views of people on marriage are varied.
Some of the world's population says that they still marry because of true love.
While some others justify their marital decisions with the idea that they are in love, Most of the people today have an agenda with respect to marriage. They marry someone who has an upper hand in life for them to get ahead in life.
Too much of my life and too much of the life I see around me
Too much of my life and too much of the life I see around me is riddled with agendas — relationships that must end in marriage or they are viewed as a waste of time; women that must procreate or they feel that they have failed their purpose on this earth; men who must attain great wealth or they feel like a failure; athletes that need to continue repeating the same old same old despite the devastation it reeks on their body because they refuse to use their imagination; people forcing situations into unnatural outcomes; pushing others into uncomfortable circumstances; regretting decisions as soon as they are made because someone else taught the wrong lesson; allowing agendas to rule lives and then forgetting to enjoy that life Chances are if you share something deep and your partner has an uncaring or disrespectful reaction, you probably aren’t going to continue sharing.
Generally, you would decide that this person isn’t a suitable partner, as your values and what you need from one another don’t line up. Over time, the disconnect only widens, and dating with the intention of marriage allows you to end it, rather than letting it grow more serious and ultimately bring greater hurt in the inevitable end.